"What clarity I feel when switching my thought. From things that I don’t like to things that I aught."
Like wanting to tell someone what to do
To asking them, how are you
The energy switch is so tangible I feel the change of direction
Dominance to an expression of affection
To order someone or thing brings a feeling of contraction
To love then brings an opening , a flowing action
It’s like every thing inside my ribs becomes supple
Like when the body relaxes in the embrace of a loving couple
All of me loves to love, its desire I feel
I prefer this energy out of the two its more real
Caring for another feels healthier to me
So I’ll practice this better choice to help myself breathe
Every day I want to be open to the food of life
That’s why I’ll stay in this flow to dine on this vibe
It’s all love before I eventually die
My lovely self deserves it, and I will oblige